Northern lights in the last night of February

Night from February 28th to March 1st was amazing. Powerful aurora lit the sky…

Baltic Snow Call. Day 4.

Fourth day of Baltic Snow Call contest (Saturday, 23rd of February). Wrestling…

Baltic Snow Call. Day 3.

Third day of Baltic Snow Call contest (Friday, 22nd of February). I skipped…

Baltic Snow Call. Day 1.

Yesterday (February 20) was my first day as a media-team member in the…

Winter in Oulu

Winter in OuluIt’s already half a year since I live in Oulu, Finland. For those…

I'm going to volunteer as a photographer on Baltic Snow Call!

Good news! I’m included in photographer team of International snow…

Almost successful aurora hunt

Thursday (23.01.2019) evening my friend Samir and I went to look for northern…

Blood Moon above Oulu

Blood Moon over OuluLunar eclipse of the frosty night in Oulu. Early morning of…

Opening of "Reptiles In Details"

Opening of "Reptiles In Details" in Riga zooA few pictures from the opening of…

Photography Exhibition “Reptiles in details“

I am happy to announce my new personal photo exhibition “Reptiles in details“…